
Updates about my photographs and travels.

Posts tagged Travel
Peñíscola, Castellón

Peñíscola is a fortified town in the North end of the province of Castellón, Spain, joined to the mainland just by a strip of land (hence its name, an evolution on the Latin peninsula). Home to some film productions in the 50s, it has regained some international exposure thanks to Game of Thrones (Peñíscola served as location for Meereen in the sixth season of the series).

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Dresden in 20 photographs

Dresden, capital of Saxony in Germany. For most people, a cultural and artistic jewel by the river Elbe. For me, the city that witnessed my last days as a student. A city that still evokes very fond memories, unfortunately most of them not preserved in images. Now, almost a decade after my previous visit, just a small tribute to some of the places and moments that caught my eye during my last encounter with it this Summer.

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